I've started a second
blog. Yes, I'm crazy.
It's a cooking/recipe blog. I've been wanting to collect and organize our family's favorite recipes for a long, long, time. Way before there even was such a thing as blogs. When I started playing around with this blog, I realized that a second blog might be the way to format that collection. Blogs are the perfect medium for sharing recipes, and for recording ideas, steps, etc, to cooking. So, here's my attempt:
Our Recipe Project. Take a look, and send me your recipes, too!
I apologize in advance--The first post is a really long one because the process is pretty involved. Most posts won't be this long, I promise!
The end result of this project will be a little self printed book (cool and cheap from
Blurb) for us to use, give to our kids, and send to some friends. If I can keep posting regularly, we should have some great recipes collected in a year's time! You can help me by sending me feedback and your own favorite things to cook. Thanks for looking.
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